
Cuban Experts to Analyze Studies on Clinical Labs

The uses and limitations of tumor markers, and the clinical diagnosis with autoantibodies, are some of the issues Cuban experts will analyze here today during an international symposium.
The involvement of foreign scholars will enrich the debate and exchange on the process quality of clinical laboratories during this event.
About 250 national specialists and nearly 150 professionals and guests from Peru, Mexico, Germany, Chile, Spain, Argentina, France and the United States, are accredited to the symposium.
"This event is also a new opportunity to exchange and update on recent progress of the clinical laboratory with related specialties," Dr. Enrique Abraham Marcel, who chairs the organizing committee, stressed.
In a statement posted on the Informed website, the expert stated that participants in the forum will emphasize in methodological, theoretical and practical aspects.
Parallel to this symposium will be the National Congress of Clinical Pathology; both meetings will be held at the Havanaâ�Ös Conference Center, until March 11.
The Cuban Society of Clinical Pathology, founded in 1945, and the Ministry of Public Health, are the main organizers of this symposium.


Prensa Latina

