
Cuba, Syria Unite in Anti-Terrorism Fight

The president of Syria-Cuba Friendship Association, Abdul Nasser al-Shafia, said today in this capital that despite the difficulties both countries are currently facing, they are determined to continue fighting against terrorism and defend their sovereignty.
Al-Shafia, who is also member of the Regional Command of the Syrian Arab Socialist Al-Baath Party, made those statements to Prensa Latina in the framework of celebrations for the 50th anniversary of Havana-Damascus diplomatic relations.
According to the Syrian leader, what really unites the two nations and peoples is the fact of sharing the same trench against a common enemy, and keeping the same positions, like fighting against colonialism, racism, Zionist hegemony, and interference in the States' internal affairs.
"The Cuban foreign policy is based on the anti-imperialism, solidarity, and unity among the Third World countries. Cuban believes in the peoples' diplomacy principles, inspired in the ideas of its National Hero, Jose Marti, who contributed to materialize a revolutionary thinking throughout the Latin American continent and the entire world," said al-Shafia, also adding that Syria expresses its solidarity with Cuba to the pressures and challenges it is currently facing.
The Syrian leader highlighted that the Caribbean nation has expressed its support to the Syrian people and their right to recover the occupied Golan, as well as the permanent support to the Palestinian people in their legitimate fight for liberating their homeland and establishing an independent State.
Al-Shafia considers that Syrian and Cuban peoples' ties have historical and joint fight roots, and that is why Syria was one of the first nations to recognize the Cuban Revolution and establish diplomatic relations with the Caribbean country.
That link was strengthened by the friendship of late Syrian President Hafez al-Assad and the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, who had a strong political and personal friendship, and based bilateral links on solid mainstays, added the Syrian leader.
In his latest visit to Cuba last May, al-Shaifa could see a big interest among Cubans for knowing what is happening in Syria, and felt a total support and a great esteem and admiration for the Syrian people's strength.


Prensa Latina

