
Cuba Slams Blockade Damages to Genetics

Cuba has a group of professionals capable of carrying out their own genetic studies like First World nations, but the US blockade deprive them of access to the advanced technology.

That unfair measure that slows the development of the National Medical Genetics Center was slammed by Doctor Beatriz Marcheco, director of the institution, Granma newspaper reported Monday.

The expert said that to purchase a gene analyzer equipment, to study variations and determine which can lead diseases that are among the main causes of death in Cuba or have a high incidence.

Among sickness are breast, colon and prostate cancer, asthma, diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, and hypertension.

Macheco stated that the analyzer is manufactured by the US Company Applied Biosystems, and ranks as the most advanced technology worldwide for the above researchers.

That equipment works at very high speed and is capable of identifying genetic predisposition people with those mentioned pathologies can have. This provides an opportunity to change lifestyles and take other preventive actions.


Prensa Latina

