
Cuba Rejects Pretext of Protection of Civilians

Cuba rejected today in the Security Council the so-called protection of civilians used to promote a change of regime, military intervention or any other action in violation of the UN Charter.

The main responsibility in the matter relies on States, said deputy ambassador to the UN, Oscar Leon, during a session of the UNSC on peacekeeping operations.

The diplomat considered that any strategy for peace consolidation must be based on national experience planned in a comprehensive, consistent, integrated way.

In this way, these operations will be able to respond to the country's requirements in line with the principle of national control and priorities set by the country's authorities, he said.

"The establishment of new, more complex peacekeeping operations cannot replace the attention and solution of the deep causes of conflicts," stressed Leon.

He also stressed the need to respect the goals and principles of the UN Charter, particularly sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence of States and non interference in internal affairs.

Leon also referred to the parties' consent, impartiality and rejected the use of force, unless for self-defense, and said that the Security Council must guarantee a broad, effective participation of countries contributing troops in the design, implementation and renewal of mandates.

He said that the proposed use of unmanned air systems (drones) on an experimental basis in some UN missions "in no way can infringe the basic principles of peacekeeping operations".


Prensa Latina

