
Cuba Hopes for Fair Agreement in Paris Conference on Climate Change

Cuba hopes that a fair, lasting agreement is reached in the upcoming Confertence on Climate Change (COP21) to be held in Paris on Nov.30-Dec.11, said expert of the environmental department of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba (CITMA), Orlando Rey.
The CITMA researcher added that Cuba is confident that such objective will be achieved through a transparent, inclusive process with contributions from all countries attending the forum.
COP21 will find the global commitment to cur greenhouse gas emissions to keep global warming below two degrees Celsius; but will leave the mechanisms to achieve to each country's decision, said the Cuban specialist.
According to researchers from prestigious international agencies, If that limit is exceeded, the world will face a future plagued with drought, floods and a devastating sea level rise.
Rey stressed that the agreements of the upcoming panel on climate change will only be really effective if they are included in national policies with an interdisciplinary approach though which the problem is addressed from different fields.
He acknowledged Cuba's effort in this regard, as the country is in the process of drafting an agenda of adaptation to environmental challenges focused on mitigating the adverse effects of climate change in an island.
He added that each country must participate in the agreement resulting from the meeting so as not to sign a commitment that is so demanding that its future economic and political stability may be compromised.


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