Cuba Denounces Worsening of U.S. Media Campaign
The U.S. government seems to strengthen its media defamatory campaign against Cuba, stage in which the objectives of the updating of the island's economic model are manipulated, Granma newspaper reported today.
Those attacks seek to maintain and deceived the U.S. opinion about the reality in the Caribbean country, the daily states.
"When a Cuban talks to any U.S. citizen, of those who are being authorized by their government to visit the island, amazed by the surprise this represents to the things you see in every place and every minute, appreciated by the distance between what is before and what they had seen or read about Cuba "the publication says.
By the laws of the blockade, currently in force for over 50 years, Washington has prohibited the Americans to visit Cuba, except in certain cases in which travels are authorized under licenses and restrictions.
The Granma article warns of an increase in the media crusade, as of current transformations in the island, a process aimed, within socialism, at raising the economic efficiency and productivity under the guidelines approved in April 2011 during the 6th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party.
New aspects of the current guideline of the discredit campaign are those that say those changes reflect a willingness to return to capitalism in face of the alleged inability of the government to channel otherwise the economy failed by socialism, the daily states.
The discredit campaign is one of the features of the White House-promoted policy against the Caribbean country.
It has spent over $200 million USD since 1997 for subversion and internal destabilization, excluding the resources destined for identical purpose by intelligence agencies.