
Cuba Denounces USA at WTO, Again

The United States was decried again at a meeting of the World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Body for failing to comply with resolutions and recommendations regarding Cuban intellectual property. 

The member countries members of the WTO witnessed once again the practices used by Washington to try to justify its failure to adhere by the settlement system on Section 211 of the Omnibus Appropriation Act of 1998. 

Over 12 delegations, including the European Union and Cuba, once again expressed their opposition to U.S. behavior in the dispute involving the Cuban rum trademark Havana Club. 

Representatives for the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, China, Vietnam and Ecuador all backed the remarks of Nancy Madrigal, councillor to Cuba's permanent representative in Geneva. 

Washington's failure to comply with and lack of action on Section 211 encourages individuals living in the United States who benefit from decisions taht are politicized sentences, spurious and arbitrary, Madrigal said. 

U.S. courts ruled against the Cuban State at the cost of industrial industrial property rights owned by Cubans and properly registered and recognized in that country, she said.


Prensa Latina

