
Cuba Demands US Actions against Terrorists

Cuba sent a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon urging the US to act with regards to terrorists in that country operating against Cuba, and demanded the release of the five Cuban anti-terrorists in US jails.

Pedro Nuñez Mosquera, Cuban permanent representative at the UN, sent the letter, so that it circulates as official document of the General Assembly and the Security Council, with the subject measures to end international terror.

The text denounces the recent release in the US of notorious terrorist Santiago Alvarez Fernandez-Magrina, sentenced for the possession of illegal arms cache for anti-Cuba actions.

That criminal, the text adds, was the one who illegally entered terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, confessed author of several attacks against Cuba, into US territory in 2005.

Carriles also took part in tenths of US-funded plots to kill leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro, it stresses.

"Cuba reminds that for fifty years, successive US governments have organized, encouraged, and allowed numerous terror acts against the island, with victims from other countries as well," the letter reads.

Those actions, the document sustains, have left 3,478 people dead and 2,099 others disabled, as well as material losses estimated at thousands of millions of dollars.

If the new US administration really wants to show its commitment with the anti-terror fight, it now has the opportunity of acting without doble standards against terrorist groups and individuals attacking Cuba from that territory, the letter affirms.

In addition, "it has the chance to make justice and immediately free the five Cuba anti-terrorists held as political prisoners for over ten years in US maximum security prisons," the text points out.

The letter addressed to Ban Ki-Moon affirms that Washington should prove it is able to leave aside mean interests of small anti-Cuba groups and defend the real interests of its people and the international community.

"It is up to the US to stop using the terror issue with political goals, and end the unfair, unfounded inclusion of Cuba in the list of countries allegedly funding terror," the letter concludes.


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