
Cuba defends viability of socialism

During the 20th edition of the Sao Paolo Forum, which began here August 25, Cuba is defending the viability of socialism in the face of the world crisis of capitalism, the source of violence, instability, discontent and insecurity in many countries.

According to Prensa Latina, Idalmis Brooks, from the Communist Party of Cuba’s international relations department, is participating in the Forum’s 3rd Political Development School and will present the idea that transformations underway to resist capitalism are leading to a counter-offensive on the part of world powers, clearly evident in Latin America.

She also referred to the economic updating process underway in Cuba, which is progressing despite the blockade imposed by the United States for more than 50 years.

“Today this economic reorganization has as its fundamental objective preserving the conquests of the Revolution in, for example, the areas of health, education and the participation of women,” she said.

The official opening of the Forum will take place August 28, when meetings of women, Afro-descendents and parliamentarians will also take place. and continue through the 29th.


Granma Internacional

