Cuba and Syria Coincide in Increasing Cooperation
The Syrian Information Minister Omran al Zoubi had a dialogue with the Cuban Ambassador here, Rogelio Santana, and both coincided in working for incerasing the relations between Cuba and Syria, in different fields.
During the meeting, both parts highlighted the links of brotherhood and solidarity between these two nations, and the identification of criteria in different international forums.
Both officials expressed the importance of spreading the truth about Syria, against the press media manipulation by western countries, and praised the good work of satellite channel Telesur and the Cuban news agency Prensa Latina, among others.
In a same way, they aimed the necessity to exchange experiences and delegations in those spheres and in culture and education, besides summing up negotiations in relatition with the production of Cuban pharmaceutical products.
Cuba supports the fight against terrorism by Syria, its people and its Government, as well as the defense of its sovereignty and independence, Santana underlined.
Al Zoubi and the Cuban Ambassador highly valued their similar approaches in the fight against the foreign intervention and the role that the United States uses at international level.
Lastly, they agreed to deepen the treatment of all the topics in question and they analyzed, also, the current international situation with special emphasis in the momentous importance of the fight against the terrorism.