
Cuba and Russia Highlight Importance of Developing Bilateral Links

Russian Parliament president Valentina Matviyenko and her Cuban counterpart, Esteban Lazo, coincided Friday in the importance of keeping on the development of the bilateral relations between Cuba and Russia, which both regarded as excellent.

In a meeting celebrated at the National Hotel in Havana, both expressed their satisfaction for the presence of a Russian delegation in Cuba, and this will contribute to strengthen the inter-parliamentary links, and also in other aspects.

The president of the Council of the Russian Federation highlighted that Cuba is not only a strategic partner of her country, but a friend for whom they feel a special affection forged in historical relations accumulated for many years.

Matviyenko congratulated Esteban Lazo for his election last February as president of the Parliament of the island, and praised the rejuvenated composition and with high feminine representation.

This women's wide presence in the Cuban Parliament is an example to be followed, she said.

The visitor added that although in the Federal Assembly of Russia there are representatives of diverse political currents, there exists a consensus referred to the importance of extending relations with Cuba.

For his part, the parliamentary leader of the Caribbean island emphasized in the impulse started to the bilateral links from the visits of the Cuban President, Raúl Castro to Moscow in July, 2012; and of the Prime Minister of Russia, Dimitri Medvedev, to Havana in February 2013.

Lazo pointed out that more than 30 agreements of cooperation have been signed, and only it remains to implement them and give them pursuit.

The bilateral economic agenda, he added, allows having a clear idea of the development of these links.

Lazo highlighted the importance of the investment process that Russia does in Cuba in the oil sector, and mentioned the Cuban interest to extend investments to other spheres such as the production of nickel, tourism and agriculture.

The parts also referred to agreements to finish pendent matters.


Prensa Latina

