
Cent Am Congress on Internal Medicine Ends in Cuba

Atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia and diabetes, clinical impact and perspective, among other important issues, conform the working agenda of the 23rd Central American and Caribbean Congress on Internal Medicine, which ends today in Havana.

About 300 national and international experts attended the event, which opened on Tuesday, May 14. They shared views, opinions, and current results in the field of medicine.

The practice of clinical method in healthcare topped participants' attention.

About this issue, Doctor Claudia Arias, substitute for the Secretary of the Medical Association of Central America and the Caribbean, based in Dominican Republic, told Prensa Latina that this is not about leaving technology behind, indispensable for an accurate diagnosis, but use it moderately.

A good interview and a detailed physical examination allows the specialist to form an initial idea of the disease, Arias said.

Medical mistakes, infectious diseases, bioethics and cancer, were also analyzed during the congress, sponsored by the Cuban Minister of Public Health, and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).


Prensa Latina

