
CELAC Reaffirms Commitment to Integration

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla presided over today in this capital the creation of the meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Troika of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), committed to integration.

Rodriguez Parrilla welcomed their peers from Chile, Alfredo Moreno Charme, Costa Rica's Enrique Castillo Barrantes, and Haiti's Pierre-Richard Casimir, who represents the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

This is the second meeting of this level of the CELAC Troika, which this year will work for searching a more equitable distribution of wealth and against poverty in the region.

"This day coincides with the first month of the death of the president (of Venezuela) Hugo Chavez, one of the biggest promoters of this project," Rodriguez Parrilla said.

The foreign minister commended the Caribbean participation in this extended forum, stating that the pro tempore presidency Cuba assumes will boost "issues and proposals presented by the Caribbean countries."

The meeting in Havana will review the performance of the final months of the CELAC, and determine the projects and activities that remain until the next summit in Havana, probably in January 2014.


Prensa Latina

