
Africa Condemns US Blockade of Cuba

The 4th African Regional Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba concluded in this capital on Monday with the participants unanimous condemn to the illegal, criminal and unjust US economic blockade against the Caribbean country.

The 129 delegates representing 27 nations at the event passed the Final Declaration, which states that US measure is aimed at crushing the spirit of the Cuban people with hunger and disease, as a way to hinder their determination to continue to develop their social and economic system.

The delegates also demanded that President Barack Obama honor his Nobel Peace Prize by putting an end to the imprisonment of the five Cuban anti'terrorist fighters held in US prisons for over 14 years.

They urged all the world nations to continue fighting for the cause of the Cuban Five, as they are internationally known, until they are released and can return to their homes.

The event participants also demanded that Cuba be removed from the list of terrorist countries and return the Guantanamo naval base to Cubans, a territory illegally occupied by the United States.

They congratulated the Cuban people for their 54 years of Revolution and all the achievements reached during all those years.

The meeting, held at the African Union headquarters, was attended by representatives of Angola, South Africa, Mozambique, South Sudan, Senegal, Seychelles, Saharan Democratic Republic, Benin, Guinea Bissau, Algeria, Namibia, Nigeria, among other African countries, apart from Ethiopia and Cuba.


Prensa Latina

