Washington Opposes Revision of Cuban Five Case by US Supreme Court

The president of the Cuban Parliament, Ricardo Alarcon, said on Monday that the US Government announced this weekend that it is against the revision by the US Supreme Court of the case of five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters who remain unjustly imprisoned in the United States.

Cuba, Proud Not to Be Part of the OAS, Says Cuban FM

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla said on Monday that his country is proud not to be part of the Organization of American States (OAS), a regional body that he described as an ‘anachronism’.

Illegal US Anti-Cuba Measure Criticized at WTO

Delegates from Cuba, the European Union (EU) and 12 other nations condemned on Thursday the illegal Section 211 of the Fiscal Year 1999 US Omnibus Appropriations Act which bars US courts from hearing claims by foreign nationals asserting rights to trademarks associated with expropriated property.

Pastors for Peace Prepare New Caravan

The US religious organization Pastors for Peace will again challenge the regulations of the US economic blockade of Cuba as they are already preparing their 20th caravan to the Caribbean nation that will begin on July 3rd in Canada.

In Guantánamo

Fidel during a visit to the province of  Guantánamo.
