Venezuela: Campaign to Revoke Obama´s Nobel

The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) shapes from Tuesday a world campaign to claim the revocation of the Nobel Peace Prize that was bestowed upon Barack Obama because he is considered to be a warmonger.

Bolivia to Support State Companies

The Bolivian government will devote important sums of money to 18 state-run companies in strategic sectors, to increase State participation in the national economy.

China, Venezuela Strengthening Strategic Links

China and Venezuela open on Monday in this capital the 8th Meeting of their Intergovernmental Commission which will result in the signing of new cooperation agreements on energy, economy, politics and technology.

Cuba: Vice President Welcomes Summit Delegates

Cuban Vice President Jose Ramon Machado Ventura welcomed the Cuban delegation that participated in the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Juventud Rebelde daily reported on Sunday.

Climate Battle Moves to UN

Chaos of the Summit on Climate Change in Copenhagen, manipulations and impositions registered and undefined conclusions have turned the United Nations as of today into a sure scene of new, fierce battles.

Cuban Culture, Food Ministers Inform Parliament

Cuban Ministers Abel Prieto (Culture) and Maria del Carmen Concepción (Food Industry) are expected to inform on Saturday the National Assembly of the People''s Power (Parliament) on the work carried out by their portfolios in 2009.
