Top Cuba, Malawi Lawmakers Meet

Cuban Parliament President Ricardo Alarcon met Henry Foster, president of the Malawi National Assembly, who is visiting this country leading a delegation invited by the island''s legislative body.

Political Prisoners in US

The US, highly interested in turning common violent Cuban prisoners into patriots through a world media campaign, is evidently unaware of human rights of political prisoners in its own jails.

Two Minor Quakes in Tibet

Two earthquakes of 5.7 and 5.5 in the 9-degree Richter Scale, rocked China's Tibet Autnomous Region Wednesday within 38 minutes.

Quake Hit Haitian Medicine

The earthquake of January 12 strongly hit Haiti, causing the death of 73 doctors or nurses among others, according to the website of Haiti Press Network.

Bombs against Cuba, Terrorists on the Loose in US

Such notorious terrorists as Luis Posada Carriles freely walk along streets in the US, where authorities are more concerned about leading their anti-Cuba media campaign than establishing the truth on bombs brought from that country and activated in Cuban hotels.
