Peruvians Demand Obama Freedom of Cuban Five

The Peruvian Committee of Solidarity with the Cuban antiterrorists prisoners in U.S. facilities demanded today President Barack Obama freedom for the Cuban antiterrorist fighters, serving long sentences for monitoring terrorist groups acting against their country.

Imprisonment of Cuban Anti-terrorist in US Considers Wrong

The US economist John Cavanagh considered today an error the imprisonment of Cuban antiterrorists in his country for 15 years ago, for preventing the execution in the Island of violent plans and demanded president Barack Obama to release them.

Cuban Ambassador Highlights Exemplary Links with Vietnam

Cuban Ambassador to Vietnam Herminio Lopez highlighted the exemplary links of solidarity and friendship between the two countries on the ocassion of the 55th anniverssary of the Cuban Revolution, in an interview released by The People''s Army daily today.

Cuba, a Small Country with a World Vocation

Cuba is celebrating the 55th anniversary of the Revolution, which has implemented major domestic transformations since January 1, 1959, but it has also placed the small Caribbean country in the world''s vanguard.
