News That Shook the World

What does one of these epidemics mean to Cuba? Our country is prevented from purchasing any medication, raw material, equipment or components of diagnostic equipment manufactured by the U.S. transnationals on the basis of the extraterritorial laws that the U.S. administration has imposed to the world. Why were we accused of being enemies of the Mexican people when we adopted measures devised in advance to protect our people?

What occurred to me

What was the Mexican president complaining about regarding the measures Cuba adopted, according to the established norms and without the least intention of affecting our sister nation of Mexico?  We were far from imagining that the epidemic would break out there and in the United States.

The struggle has barely begun

No wonder the OAS is hypocritically trying to present him as an enemy of freedom of expression and democracy.  Almost half a century has gone by since those chipped and hypocritical weapons came up against the steadfastness of the Cuban people.  Today, Venezuela is not alone and it has the experience of 200 years of exceptional patriotic history on its side.
This struggle has barely begun in our hemisphere.

Giving one’s all

On May Day, still under the impression of the parade, the colors of our national flag -which is today a symbol of solidarity before the eyes of the whole world-, the young, intelligent and enthusiastic faces of our students, which closed the parade of that overflowing river, the words of the poet, so many times repeated during that day, came to my mind:

“For this freedom…we will have to give our all!”

The day for the poor of the world

We hope that every May 1st thousands of men and women, in every corner of the globe, will share International Workers’ Day with us, a day which we have been celebrating for 50 years.  It was not in vain that long before January 1st, 1959, we had proclaimed that our Revolution would be the Revolution of the humble, by the humble and for the humble.


Historical events prove the hegemonic policies of the United States in our region and the disgusting role of the OAS as the hideous instrument of the powerful country.

Insulza’s formula consists of wiping the criminal agreement off the map.  Raúl declared in Cumaná that Cuba would never rejoin the OAS.  Using Marti’s scathing phrase, he expressed that first “the Southern sea would join the Northern sea, and a serpent would be born from the eagle’s egg”.

Funeral for the victims of the bombing attack on Cuban airports

Faced with the danger of an imminent armed invasion of Cuba, the 15th of April 1961 was marked by criminal bombing attacks on the airports of San Antonio de los Baños, Ciudad Libertad and Santiago de Cuba, carried out by American planes coming from Guatemala; seven died, among them young Eduardo García Delgado who, before dying, wrote the name of the leader of the Revolution in his own blood: Fidel.

Not a word about the blockade

Cuba has resisted and it will continue to resist; it will never beg for alms. It will go on forward holding its head up high and cooperating with the fraternal peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean; with or without Summits of the Americas; whether or not the president of the United States is Obama, a man or a woman, a black or a white citizen.
