
"The crisis will have an especially negative impact on the struggle for sustainable development, the preservation of the environment and the protection of nature from the merciless destruction to which it is being subjected, and which is causing the poisoning of the waters and the atmosphere, the destruction of the ozone layer, deforestation, desertification, and the extinction of animals and plants. How could this possibly not be taken into the slightest account?"

References to the original: Televised presentation by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, on the present international situation, the economic and world crisis and its impact on Cuba. Havana, November 2, 2001

"Hardly 30 years ago, few people in the world discussed the environment. Ideas or themes linked to the destruction of the forests, soil erosion and salinity, climate change, the disappearing ozone layer, melting icecaps, whole cities and nations doomed to fatally disappear beneath the sea, polluted air and water; overexploited oceans seemed to be inventions of doomsday scientists and not pressing realities".

References to the original: Speech given by Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, at the public rally held at the "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" Revolution Square in Ciego de Avila on the occasion of the 49th anniversary of the attacks on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel

“Nature cannot be destroyed, and the rotten and wasteful consumer societies cannot prevail. There is a field where the production of wealth can be infinite: the field of knowledge, of culture and art in all its manifestations, including a painstaking ethical, esthetic and solidarity-based education, a full spiritual life, socially sound, mentally and physically healthy, without which it would be impossible to talk about quality of life.”

References to the original: Speech at the closing session of the 5th Meeting Globalization and Development held in Havana, February 14, 2003

"(...) many things threatening the life of the planet today, aside from war, like climate changes, the destruction of the ozone layer, global warming, the poisoning of the air, the rivers and the seas. These things threaten the life of the entire planet, thus all of the peoples have a common cause with the people of Latin America, North America and Europe".

References to the original: Speech given by the President of the Republic of Cuba, Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, at the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires.Argentina, May 26, 2003

"Nothing is as devastating as the damage and destruction left behind by a hurricane. Hundreds of thousands of compatriots mobilize and work very hard during the passing of the hurricane and afterwards during the recovery stage.  Reserves are reduced or depleted.  Today, more than ever, the damages caused on food supplies are costly and significant.  But this is our country; this is our rightful place in this planet, and we have to develop and defend it".

References to the original: THE HURRICANE

"Nature dealt us a heavy blow but it is encouraging to know that our struggle will continue steadily and restlessly".

References to the original: Playing the good guy role at our expense?, September 16, 2008

"Our people should learn from every such event about the consequences of climate change and the ecologic unbalance, which are some of the many problems humanity is facing".

References to the original: THE THIRD HURRICANE