
"At the same time, education has always been, from the very moment of the triumph of the Revolution, and will always be, one of the fundamental objectives in our epic struggle for a truly just, free and humane society".

References to the original: Speech given by Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, at the graduation ceremony for the Intensive Training Schools for Primary School Teachers. Karl Marx Theater, Havana, September 2, 2002

“At the same time, education has always been, from the very moment of the triumph of the Revolution, and will always be, one of the fundamental objectives in our epic struggle for a truly just, free and humane society. The experience we have gained and the results we have achieved more than fully justify this decision.”

References to the original: Speech given by Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, at the graduation ceremony for the Intensive Training Schools for Primary School Teachers. Karl Marx Theater, Havana, September 2, 2002

“The world has changed a great deal in the last few decades, and some truly wonderful means of transmitting information and knowledge have emerged. Yet they are almost always used, for commercialistic reasons, to deform and alienate minds, and to destroy the very best that has been cultivated in children and adults by teachers, professors and parents themselves, who are or should be every child’s first educators”.

References to the original: Speech given by Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, at the graduation ceremony for the Intensive Training Schools for Primary School Teachers. Karl Marx Theater, Havana, September 2, 2002

“Parents should be the first to educate their children. And to guarantee the education of our children, we must guarantee the education of their parents”.

References to the original: Speech given by Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, at the graduation ceremony for the Intensive Training Schools for Primary School Teachers. Karl Marx Theater, Havana, September 2, 2002
"At the same time, education has always been, from the very moment of the triumph of the Revolution, and will always be, one of the fundamental objectives in our epic struggle for a truly just, free and humane society. The experience we have gained and the results we have achieved more than fully justify this decision. What began with a literacy campaign in a nation where the immense majority of the population was totally and functionally illiterate --where less than 10% of adolescents and adults had a sixth-grade education, and political consciousness was stunted by the limitations entailed by the mind-numbing system of economic exploitation, lies and alienation imposed on our people– is now being transformed into the most extraordinary case of educational and cultural development ever known by any society in all of history."
References to the original: Speech given by Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, at the graduation ceremony for the Intensive Training Schools for Primary School Teachers. Karl Marx Theater, Havana, September 2, 2002

The greatest desire of all Cuban revolutionaries is for every new generation to be better prepared for the huge challenges that the future brings for our country and all of humankind. Every minute of your lives, you must be fully aware of the great responsibility that the country and the Revolution have entrusted in you: for the moment, to study hard and fulfill your duty with honor.

References to the original: Speech given by the President of the Republic of Cuba, Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, at the inauguration ceremony for the Intensive Training Course for Comprehensive Junior High School Teachers. Karl Marx Theater, September 9, 2002