
“Cuba is the one country in the world that collaborates most in helping to develop sport in the Third World. There is a growing number of trainers on contracts who are working in sister countries and doing an excellent job. We also continue to take in new students and future trainers. Our coaches are training athletes who will compete against us, in fair competitions, and we shall continue to do so.”.

References to the original: Speech delivered at an anti-imperialist rally on the 40th Anniversary of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, September 28, 2000

"To speak of exercise and sports is not to speak of world and Olympic champions, it is to speak of daily, ongoing well-being, it is to speak of a good health, it is to speak of the capacity for study and work. To speak of physical education and sports is to speak of a science, a universal activity".

References to the original: Speech by the 40th anniversary of INDER and the opening of the International School of Physical Education and Sports, February 23, 2001

“I wonder if any other country in the world has been so devoted to humankind, to educating its people. And now we have reached a higher stage, we are moving towards a comprehensive, multifaceted education which encompasses, among others, some things that many developed countries lack; because being rich does not mean being educated, as being developed does not mean being educated.”

References to the original: Speech by the 40th anniversary of INDER and the opening of the International School of Physical Education and Sports, February 23, 2001

"There can be no highly developed education or medicine, or even well developed sports, without the support of science".

References to the original: Speech givenat the celebration of the 40th anniversary of INDER and the dedication of the International School of Physical Education and Sports, February 23, 2001

“The economic crisis also means the aggravation of major problems that are far from being solved: poverty, hunger and disease, which kill tens of millions of people in the world every year; illiteracy, lack of education, unemployment, and the exploitation of millions of children through child labor and prostitution; the trafficking and consumption of drugs, which mobilizes and absorbs hundreds of billions of dollars; money laundering; the lack of drinking water; the scarcity of housing, hospitals, communications, schools and educational facilities.”

References to the original: Televised presentation on the present international situation, the economic and world crisis and its impact on Cuba, November 2, 2001

While many recognize the tremendous advances that our country has made in health care, education and sports, as if these were the only objectives, or the final objectives of our struggles or our lives, we would have to add: We are striving for something much more noble, we are striving for justice for all.

References to the original: Speech given by Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, during former U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s visit to the Latin American Medical School. May 13, 2002
“A veritable culture of protecting and preserving the schools, their resources and equipment must be encouraged in the children, the teachers, parents, local residents and our people in general. Nothing more noble, human, motivating and useful than a school can be created. We must ensure that what fills us all with joy today will never become, through laziness or irresponsibility, a source of sorrow and frustration. Let us safeguard what has been achieved. Let us be worthy of the feats we have shown we can accomplish!”
References to the original: Speech delivered by Fidel Castro at the ceremony to celebrate the completion of the repair, expansion and building of 779 primary and secondary schools in the capital, Habana del Este, Cuba, August 30, 2002