Artículos Sobre Fidel

Articles | 01/01/2018 |

El 18 de noviembre de 1958 quedó constituida la comandancia del Frente Camagüey, como parte del plan estratégico de la comandancia general del Ejército Rebelde. Lo integraron las Columnas no. 11 Cándido González y no. 13 Ignacio Agramonte. De las características de su fundación, hablaron los coroneles retirados Pablo Roberto León González, integrante de la 11, e Idelfredo Figueredo Ríos, de la 13.

Antecedentes de lucha...

Articles | 05/03/2019 |

This law is more interventionist that the Platt Amendment of 1901 and the Reciprocity Treaty Cuba was forced to sign to be granted fictitious independence, at the beginning of the 20th century.
-It is an attack on the independence and dignity of Cuba, with openly annexationist, colonialist intentions.
- The Helms-Burton Act was approved to provoke a change in Cuba’s political and economic system.

Articles | 15/03/2019 |

Excerpts from Fidel’s speech delivered on the centenary commemoration of the Baraguá Protest, in Santiago de Cuba.

Articles | 29/08/2018 |

There is no stadium large enough to contain his immense humanity, tempered in sports as well as struggle. At the University of Havana he was practically an Alberto Juantorena, running the 400 and 800 meters, as the Gentleman of the Track did in the Montreal 1976 Olympics.
Nor would his sensitivity fit within a coliseum, regardless of its capacity or dimensions. His spirit, harbored within a body that never gave up, made him an...

Articles | 23/11/2018 |

From the very taking of power in January 1959, Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro was fully aware that the transformations that had to be undertaken in the country entailed not only urgent changes to the economic and social reality, but also in the way of conceiving and understanding the keys to those changes in the minds of women and men.

Articles | 07/12/2018 |

The 62nd anniversary of the Granma expedition’s landing was commemorated with a tribute to the Revolutionary Armed Forces in Santiago de Cuba’s Santa Ifigenia cemetery where floral wreaths were placed in José Martí’s mausoleum in the name of Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba; President of the Councils of State and Ministers Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez; and the Cuban people.
As part of...

Articles | 23/11/2018 |

Fidel’s his optimism and confidence in overcoming difficult situations have left their permanent mark on the Cuban people and served as inspiration for millions of men and women on all continents