Artículos Sobre Fidel

Articles | 03/10/2019 |

The entire country has received with joy and enthusiasm the news of the constitution of our Central Committee. The names of the compañeros who will serve on this Committee, as well as their histories, are well known. ... We have attempted to choose those who in our opinion represent, in the most thorough way, the history of our Revolution…

Articles | 27/09/2019 |

Granma International shares facts and figures from Cuba’s report, presented by Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, on Resolution 73/8 of the United Nations General Assembly
The significant negative impact of measures recently adopted by the U.S. to tighten the blockade is not reflected in the following account, since this escalation occurred after the time period analyzed.

Articles | 23/09/2019 |

A Secretary of the State, a National Security advisor and a Republican senator from the State of Florida invent the most preposterous lies, which the big media at their service repeat, and an eccentric President applauds and exhibits as war trophies. This is happening today in the United States.
But, be careful! Because they are trying to defame one of the world’s most beautiful works: health for all and solidarity.

Articles | 25/08/2019 |

June 12, 1992, in Río de Janeiro, Brazil, Fidel Castro presented a brief but masterful speech during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. Those present applauded, including a few heads of state who weren’t too happy with what he had to say, but recognized the validity of his words.

Articles | 14/08/2019 |

This August 13, the Commandante en Jefe would have turned 93. The validity of his thought and action remains clear and serves to guide progressive, social justice efforts around the world.

Articles | 21/06/2019 |

Not even the legal system of said nation respects the Helms-Burton Act, its authors blinded by their desire to destroy the Cuban Revolution, by their interest in bending and submitting a people whose dignity and courage, is recognized within the community of nations, which has helped to confront them, and resist aggressions, in defense of its freedom, their independence and its sovereignty.

Articles | 17/05/2019 |

One of the Revolutionary government’s first actions, May 17, 1959, was to proclaim the Agrarian Reform, giving the land to those who worked it.