
"And that is the Party: the vanguard"




Periódico Granma

Fidel Castro Ruz:

- What is the function of the Party? To orient. It orients at all levels, it does not govern at all levels. It creates the revolutionary consciousness of the masses, it is the gear with the masses, it educates the masses in the ideas of socialism and in the ideas of communism, it exhorts the masses to work, to make an effort, to defend the Revolution. It disseminates the ideas of the Revolution, supervises, controls, watches over, informs, discusses what it has to discuss....     
- The Party is the expression, in the first place, of the most humble sectors of our population, of the workers' sectors, of the peasants' sectors, of the working sectors, which is the immense majority of the nation, but it has to be representative of all sectors of society....
- The unity of the Party is not in contradiction with its character of representative institution of our society, and there must be in it, and we try that there be, precisely, all possible alternatives and, above all, that within our Party not privileges, but the merit of each citizen be promoted.
- Our Party has to be the instrument for the promotion, for the political development of the best citizens of the country, who must have the full, unrestricted confidence of the Party and the people.
Raúl Castro Ruz:

- The moral authority of the only Party that guarantees and represents the unity of the nation, emanates precisely from the exemplary fulfillment of duty and constitutional postulates, as well as high ethical, political and ideological qualities, in close contact with the masses.
- The development of the national economy, together with the struggle for peace, unity and ideological firmness, constitute the main missions of the Party.
- The Party, as the organization that groups the revolutionary vanguard, has the honorable mission of being the worthy heir of the trust placed by the people in the founding leader of the Revolution, Commander-inChief Fidel Castro Ruz.
- The existence in Cuba of a single party has been, and will always be, in the focus of the enemy's campaigns (...), based on the ancient tactic of "divide and rule".
- La unidad es nuestra principal arma estratégica; ha permitido a esta pequeña isla salir airosa en cada desafío; sustenta la vocación internacionalista de nuestro pueblo y sus proezas en otras tierras del mundo, siguiendo la máxima martiana de que patria es humanidad.
Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez:

- Unity is our main strategic weapon; it has allowed this small island to succeed in every challenge; it sustains the internationalist vocation of our people and its prowess in other lands of the world, following Marti's maxim that homeland is humanity.
- People and unity, which means Party. Because the Communist Party of Cuba, which has never been an electoral party, was not born of fracture. It was born from the unity of all political forces with profoundly humanist ideals.
- In an authentic Revolution, victory is learning. We do not march on a proven path. We are challenged to constantly innovate, changing everything that must be changed, without renouncing our strongest principles.
- Generational continuity is a fundamental part of this unity. It is necessary to talk and share achievements with our young people, as the most important people they are; to distinguish them as managers of the transformations underway.
- We must be proud of being part of the ranks of the Party, and understand militancy as an act of consecration to the ideals that the organization defends with passion, joy and responsibility.
- The cadres are human beings whose mission becomes more effective when they alternate with common activities. This subject is not taught in any political school, but it connects us more directly with our society.