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Presidents of Colombia and Cuba; Andrés Pastrana and Fidel Castro.
He delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the Permanent Exhibition on the Achievements of the Republic of Cuba (EXPOCUBA), the country’s largest exhibition ground, as part of the Central Ceremony for the 30th Anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution.
“I must admit that Marx was right when he sketched out the idea that only when a truly rational, just and equitable social regime exists on this earth, will humankind have left prehistory behind.”
Fidel receives the Centennial Trophy presented by the International Olympic Committee to an outstanding personality or athlete in each country.
Fidel is presented by the president of Ghana with the highest distinction granted by this African State: the ‘Knight of the Order of the Star of Ghana, Honorary Class’, at the Revolution Palace.
Fidel is presented with the 25th Anniversary Seal, given for the first time, and a Commemorative Plaque.
Fidel delivers a speech during the Inaugurating Ceremony of 44 Secondary Schools in the Countryside. The ceremony was held in the 13th Workers’ Congress Secondary School, in Aguacate, Havana. Commander Oscar Fernández Mell appears next to him.
Fidel is awarded with the 23rd of August decoration in the main ceremony for the 35th anniversary of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC).
Fidel speaks at the beginning of the first course for Social Workers at the School of Social Workers in Cojimar, Havana.
Fidel Castro takes part in the Global Forum on Food Sovereignty held at the Havana Convention Centre.