Soldado de las Ideas
During the 17th Congress of the CTC. Havana
He delivers a speech in Havana during the closing ceremony of the potato harvest, held at the "Sonrisa de la Victoria" camp. Güira de Melena, Havana.
Funeral of Blas Roca Calderío, by his side Army General Raúl Castro and Division General Ulises Rosales del Toro.
He delivers a speech, in Havana, about the mercenary invasion, as part of the program of the Popular University.
He delivers a speech during the solemn evening for the centenary of Vladimir I. Lenin’s birth. Havana
He votes for the new PCC Central Committee during the 6th PCC Congress.
Delivering instructions to revolutionary fighters during the US led and backed Bay of Pigs invasion.
He receives the "Jorge Dimitrov" Decoration from the Bulgarian Communist Party. By his side, Raúl Castro and Osvaldo Dorticós.
Special address at the Havana Convention Centre
Meeting with Karol Cariola (left), JJCC General Secretary, Camila Vallejo, vice president of the Chile’s University Students Federation (FECH) and Liudmila Alamo, first secretary of the Cuban Young Communist League.