Soldado de las Ideas
A message to Celia Sánchez where the Head of the Guerrilla expressed his indignation about the criminal bombing carried out by the dictator Fulgenio Batista’s air force and Yankee support for this villainous deed.
During the speech he proclaimed the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution.
In the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Youth Club of Computer Sciences and Electronics, Fidel Castro is recognized as one of the founders of the clubs.
Over 30 works inspired by the image and work of the Commander in Chief compose this exhibition opened on the occasion of his birthday in the Salón 1930 of the National Hotel which is celebrating its 80th anniversary these days.
To Santiago with Fidel on the 26th.
Fidel attends the lecture given by renowned U.S. scholar Dr. Alan Robock, professor of the Department of Environmental Sciences at Rutgers University, New Jersey on the “Climatic Consequences of Nuclear Conflict” in the Havana Convention Center.
Fidel Castro
addresses young university students to talk about the consequences the human species would face if a nuclear war were ever unleashed.
Fidel attends the Ibero-American Summit held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
Fidel at the National People’s Power Assembly Sessions
Poster for the 50th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution.