Soldado de las Ideas
Fidel meets once again with renowned Colombian writer, journalist, scriptwriter and Nobel Prize winner for Literature Gabriel Garcia Márquez in Havana.
Fidel Castro, on October 16, in the small study room of the nurses. The judges are seen from behind. The defense attorneys are: court-appointed attorney Baudilio Castellanos, defense attorney of the assailant Abelardo Crespo (in the Fowler bed, injured in a lung), the defense attorney of Gerardo Poll Cabrera, a railway worker accused under Lawsuit 37-he was not involved in the assault and other people, among them Adolfo Alomá Serrano, court president, another court official and six journalists. The room was heavily guarded by soldiers.
After occupying the Civil Hospital, the soldiers of the Moncada Barracks take out the young assailants. Abel is seen with a bandaged eye. To try to save him, a nurse from the Ophthalmology Ward tried to make him pass for a patient.
Front entrance of the Saturnino Lora Hospital. Haydée and Melba step out to pick up and aid an injured soldier. He was Lieutenant Fereaud, it was later known.
The future assailants of the Moncada Barracks led by Fidel depart from the Granjita Siboney to carry out the events of July 26.
Poster allegorical to the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution
Front cover of the Cuba Internacional Magazine.
Rally at the Civic Square upon his arrival from a tour of the United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.
Reading the Granma Newspaper, official organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.
Fidel sees off the team that will take part in the baseball match in Baltimore, United States.