
Fidel Castro Leaves a Legacy of Wisdom and Generosity, say Colombians

In the midst of today's tributes to Fidel Castro, Colombian politicians such as former congress member Piedad Córdoba, personalities from Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba recalled their legacy here and said a moving goodbye to that legendary world-class figure.


Fidel is the largest internationalist in the world, said Córdoba, a renowned human rights defender who called for converting his ideas into a roadmap for countries like Colombia, where in addition to dreaming of peace, deep transformations are necessary, he said.


Those of us who had the privilege of meeting him have to feel proud not only to follow the path had he drawn, emphasized the representative of Poder Ciudadano, one of the platforms that organized the ceremony in this capital.


In her extensive reflection, Cordoba highlighted the resilience of the Cuban people, of a small island almost attached to the United States, 'he said,' punished by a criminal blockade.


I was also impressed by his generosity and her solidarity, insisted the founder of Colombians and Colombians for Peace who recalled the contribution of Fidel Castro to the search for a civilized way to overcome the long conflict in this Andean nation.


It was a man, 'he added,' charming, very fine, but above all immensely, wise and one of the most generous people I have ever met, a quality that he demonstrated with the work of Cuba all over the planet.


In recounting several anecdotes about her meetings with Fidel in successive moments of her life, the lawyer also evoked her messages of encouragement after former attorney Alejandro Ordóñez, sanctions already repealed by the Council of State, politically disabled her for the second time.


I call you to send you a solidarity hug, to tell you that you cannot faint, that I am very aware; Was an unspeakable experience, added the former senator when referring to a telephone conversation he held with Fidel Castro in that difficult moment.


Another of the speakers was the Cuban ambassador, Jose Luis Ponce, who said that Fidel devoured hundreds of pages of information daily, always leaving some time for books that interested him, so he captivated with long talks full of knowledge and analysis Right to kings as workers, slept little and ate even less, he said.


In his dictionary, he concluded, there were no words like backing up, giving up, surrendering, giving up or letting oneself be pressed, these spaces filled them with other concepts such as dignity and integrity, from his extensive imprint I would dare to assert that his way of assuming the enemy was more important.


During the homage, the Venezuelan minister for women and gender equality, Blanca Eekhout, called it a flare that ignites the hearts of humanity.


'In the darkest moments, when all the dreams fell, there was a light that could never be extinguished, waited for the dawn to come and it was still alive.'


In the name of Bolivia, former government minister Hugo Moldiz said that Fidel received again the immense tribute that his compatriots gave him in Havana.


What has happened on the island is extraordinary, he installed in the subjectivity of our peoples the conviction that, after leading what some consider to be the third emancipating wave of the continent (in 1959), the first one was carried out by the Indigenous peoples, and the latter the struggle against Spanish rule.


Also intervened in the act of evocation was the Representative of Alirio Uribe and the journalist and writer Carlos Lozano.


Prensa Latina

