
Cuban doctors deploy solidarity, Belgium activist says

The Henry Reeve Cuban medical brigades that are fighting Covid-19 are globally deploying solidarity among countries, so they have earned the condition to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, Wim Leysens said in Brussels on Wednesday.
In an interview with Prensa Latina, the Belgian solidarity activist with Cuba and a strong critic of the US blockade the island has suffered for almost 60 years, described the internationalist aid deployed by that country in response to requests from nations hit by the coronavirus pandemic as an example.
I believe that this Nobel Peace Prize would be a strong and fair recognition for the Cuban health professionals, Leysens stressed.
This campaign is already a success, because it is not in a single country or by a group of people, the petition to award with the Nobel Peace Prize to doctors who provide an example of solidarity in such difficult times due to Covid-19 is supported all over the world, he said.


Prensa Latina

