
Cuban Civil Society Urges Trump to Hear Claims Against Blockade

Representatives of Cuban civil society urged US President Donald Trump to listen to the majority of the international community in support of lifting the U.S. blockade imposed on the island.
He was also asked to continue the process of normalization of bilateral relations initiated in 2015 with the administration of Barack Obama (2009-2017).
In the statement issued as a result of the XIV Forum of Cuban civil society organizations against the blockade, they stressed that this policy in force since 1962 limits the development of the country.
They also demanded the cease of the persecution of Cuban international economic and financial relations with organizations in third countries, an indication of the extraterritorial character of that measure.
The Cuban Vice-Foreign Minister Abelardo Moreno assured that the forum of civil society takes place in a new context marked by the retreat of relations with Washington.
From Foreign Ministry headquarters, Moreno indicated that during the period of 2015 and 2016, when relations with the US were restored, the blockade remained intact.
There were dialogues and agreements in various areas, but they were limited and insufficient, the Cuban diplomat highlighted.
Moreno described the 'complex' scenario and marked by an intensification of the economic, financial and commercial blockade against Cuba.
Hence, the importance of forums like these that demonstrate the commitment of the Cuban people against this policy.
The report that Cuba will present on November 1 at the United Nations refers that the blockade damages amount to 130,178,600 dollars at common prices since its imposition in 1962.
Taking into account the depreciation of the dollar against the value of gold in the international market, losses amounted to 822, 280,000 dollars since that date.
The document entitled Need to End the Economic, Commercial and Financial Blockade Imposed by the US against Cuba states that from April 2016 to June 2017 the losses amount to 4, 305,400 dollars.


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