
The Revolution Will Continue Firmly Defending the Interests of the People

A front-page article published by Granma newspaper on Monday describes the current recovery situation in Cuba and says that the attitude of those who try to get profit out of the current circumstances and of those who forward rumors is despicable. The daily explains about topped foodstuff prices and sanctions against those who violate law and
order in the detriment of the interests of the Cuban people. ACN brings you the full text of the article published by Granma.

The situation we are currently confronting is known to the population. The press has extensively reported on it, but above all, millions of compatriots have personally suffered from the devastation of the two powerful hurricanes that lashed us, and the overwhelming majority understand that time is needed to recover from the enormous damages, to
a greater or lesser degree, throughout the entire country.

Once again we have confirmed that socialism signifies solidarity and the apacity for immediate aid to those affected, based on the country's eserves, cooperative support and consequent decisions taken. From one xtreme to the other, the nation is working with order and discipline.
Our people are giving another palpable display of strength multiplied by thics, unity, the decision to resist and confidence in their leaders nd, above all, in themselves.

That exemplary attitude is in contrast with the egotism of those who onfine themselves to lamenting and demanding that other solve their roblems. Particularly detestable is the conduct of unscrupulous ndividuals who are trying to take advantage of citizens' pressing eeds, or those who are echoing rumors put about by the enemy concerning
fictitious price rises or scarcity of products, which have prompted xcessive buying and the subsequent momentary lack of those products.

Granma daily has been authorized to inform the people that, in the resent circumstances, no price increases on basic goods, either ationed or sold at regular prices in Cuban pesos or in the ard-currency stores, are envisaged, despite generally higher costs for mports.

The alimentation of the people is one of the country's first priorities, together with the restoration of the housing sector, electricity and other essential services.
Not one minute has been lost in confronting the damages to agriculture.

The planned imports of cereals, grains and other products has been guaranteed, and others are being quickly contracted as a sales option to the population - given the temporary reduction in supplies of root vegetables and fruits that will persist over the next few months - or so that the food industry can produce certain goods in high demand.

Equally rapid has been the response to just complaints and concerns about the abuses of hoarders and speculators trafficking in products that have often been stolen or acquired in disproportionate quantities in the retail sector. The press has been exposing such conduct and all the forces of society are working to prevent them from prospering.
Those persons who have violated the law on the pretext of resolving certain personal needs, placing that above the collective interest, have been rigorously dealt with in the courts. For the exceptional cases of individuals who have incited others to follow them in their crimes, the punishment has been greater.

This will be the invariable action taken against such crimes and against any manifestation of privilege, corruption or theft, all the more so when it concerns resources for those affected by the hurricanes.

In relation to produce on sale in the farmers' markets, it has been decided, starting from today, September 29, to maintain the prices agreed by the Provincial Administration Councils and circulated in the local press in state farmers' markets and outlets. In the case of the supply-and-demand markets, the maximum prices for a range of basic produce are to be provisionally set at those existing before the hurricanes.
Those in charge of these establishments, inspectors and any authority involved in them are responsible for fulfilling these decisions.
Moreover, all of us must insist on it, both individually and through our mass political organizations, particularly in the community. This ranges from insisting on prices being displayed to reporting on those who are unresponsive to persuasion or who are committing crimes.
We appeal to and we trust that consciousness will prevail, along with an attitude of solidarity on the part of those trading in products, as well as among producers and intermediaries, so that they assume their part responsibly and keep the markets and sales outlets supplied.

Any attempt to violate the law or standards of human coexistence will receive a rapid and energetic response. In addition to the corresponding administrative measures, the agencies of internal order will continue acting energetically, in line with what is established in law, and the courts will apply the existing penal code with maximum rigor to those committing criminal acts in the current special circumstances.

That has been done in the first proven cases of hoarding, theft or the illicit sale of foodstuffs and construction materials; theft of fuel, electric and telephone cables, high-tension tower brackets; and other crimes of a similar nature. The perpetrators have been sentenced according to the gravity of their crimes.
When it is necessary, the names and sentences handed down will be published in the local mass media, and even nationally, if the gravity of the case merits it.

The country is recovering in a sustained manner thanks to the efforts of the best and greater part of Cubans. Such an exemplary attitude cannot coexist with crime or antisocial conduct and there will be no impunity for or tolerance of the latter.

The Revolution will continue firmly defending, as it always has done, the interests of the people.


Granma Internacional

