Cuban Business Group LABIOFAM Signs Coop Accord in Zimbabwe
Cuban Business Group LABIOFAM and the Agricultural Marketing Authority of Zimbabwe signed in this capital a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in this sector.
Cuban representative for Africa, Felix Quintanar Pulido, and the director of the Agricultural Marketing Authority, Rokie Mutenha, signed the document, the Cuban embassy in Harare stated.
The Minister of Agriculture, Mechanization, and Irrigation of Zimbabwe, Joseph Made, and Cuban ambassador to this country, Elio Savon Oliva, attended the signing of the memorandum.
Zimbabwean officials stated that the visit of the group of Cuban experts will help to determine the main spheres of collaboration in which specific agreements will be established in the future.
Both delegations also agreed to negotiate the transference of technology and foster the reciprocal participation in trade fairs in both countries.
The memorandum of understanding covers fields such as animal husbandry, provision of animal health products, in vitro plant breeding, and research exchange in the field of soil nutrition, among other areas.
During negotiations between both sides, participants proposed that a team of LABIOFAM technicians shortly travels to Zimbabwe, to specifically identify the needs in the ground and develop specific projects.
In the working session, the minister received an explanation of LABIOFAM possibilities in that sense, and agreed to give the necessary steps to resolve this important health problem in Zimbabwe.