
Cuba Hosts Int'l. Conference on Cuban 5

40 countries will be represented at the 4th international conference for the release of the five Cuban antiterrorists jailed in the United States, the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples announced on Thursday.
The November 17-21 meeting at the Expo-Holguin fairgrounds includes a live interactive forum on the Internet, said ICAP official Amaury Torno.
First-time guests include Laos, India, Paraguay, Guatemala, Portugal, Iran, Sri Lanka and Ethiopia.
The International Brigade against Media Terrorism will officially launch its work of solidarity during the conference, Torno said.
Conference participants include lawyers, journalists, congress members and church officials who are helping to spread the truth about legal process of the Cuban Five, as they are known in the international campaign for their freedom.
Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and René González were arrested in 1998 and given sentences of up to two life terms plus 15 years for exposing anti-Cuba terrorists operating from Florida, in the southern United States.



