
Climate Summit Begins

The People's World Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth begins on Tuesday with a mass event at the Sebastian Ramirez de Tiquipaya Stadium, 12 kilometers (7,4 miles) of Cochabamba.

According to the official program, President Evo Morales welcomed all participants early this morning.

The Scientific discoveries panel on climate change, in which Bolivian and foreign world-known specialists participate, was the first to open the debate at the coliseum.

Simultaneous panels will follow at the coliseum and at the Univalle Culture Auditorium and also at the Great Hall of Hotel Regina, one of the sub-venues of the summit.

Other very important panels will put an end to today's event and they will deal with the new models to establish harmony with nature, the setting-up of the climate court and the need of a world referendum on the subject.

Real initiatives for the environment must come out from the debates so that they can be submitted to the forthcoming UN Summit on climate change that will take place by the end of 2010 in Cancun, Mexico.


Prensa Latina

