
President Evo Morales to UN Meeting in New York

Bolivian President Evo Morales will attend the UN annual session in New York.  President Morales is expected to meet with Chinese Peer Hu Jintao to negotiate economic and technical support for his project to put a Bolivian communication satellite into orbit.

The Bolivian president also said he would hold several bilateral meetings to negotiate feasibility of several development projects for his country.

The meeting with the Chinese president will seek to define details about the satellite called Tupac Katari that is part of the cooperation program between China and Bolivia.

The Bolivian president said recently that the project would cost around $300 million.

"If we were not able to find any credit, we would use our international reserves of the Bolivian State, with the objective of providing more information and better communications," Morales said.


Prensa Latina

