
Media Silence on Cuban 5 Trial Questioned

Cuba questioned Monday US media silence referring to the longest political trial taking place in the penal history of that northern nation, which also included issues like foreign policy and international terrorism.

  In an article entitled "Forbidden Heroes," Cuban Parliament President Ricardo Alarcon stated that the US press has kept in secret this controversial trial against five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters.

Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez, Rene Gonzalez, Ramon Labañino, and Gerardo Hernandez were sentenced in a trial, whose irregularities and violations have been even denounced by US legal institutions.

In the text, first of series of works on the so-called Cuban Five, Alarcon termed inconceivable that the longest trial in the United States have been only covered by Miami media.

The Cuban head of parliament talked of Elian Gonzalez' kidnapping, whose world media coverage generated internal mobilization, which resulted in the return of the Cuban child to his father.

The publication of the article coincides Monday with the execution of an act supporting this Cuban cause at the Trafalgar Square's Fourth Plinth pedestal in London.


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