
Latin American Brigade Condemns US Blockade against Cuba

The 16th Latin American and Caribbean Voluntary Work Brigade now on the island has strongly condemned the commercial, economic and financial blockade imposed by the US against Cuba, and called for its mmediate lifting.

The 180 members of the Brigade from 10 Latin American and the Caribbean nations gathered at the Julio Antonio Mella International Camp in this municipality of the outskirts of Havana, and issued a final declaration ratifying their solidarity with the Cuban people.

Likewise, the text denounces the criminal Cuban Adjustment Act, which encourages illegal immigration in the Florida Strait. It also demands the US government to extradite renowned terrorist Luis Posada Carriles to Venezuela, and the return to Cuba of the illegally occupied territory of Guantanamo where the US Naval Base is located.

The document also defends the Cuban people’s right to sovereignty, self- determination and independence, and condemns the brutal coup d´état in Honduras.

It also rejects the biased trial against Cuban antiterrorists Hernandez, René Gonzalez, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando Gonzalez, unjustly incarcerated in the US, and demands their immediate release from prison.

To conclude, the text expresses the Brigade members’ solidarity toward the Cuban people, to which it sends revolutionary greetings. It also sends congratulations to Revolution leader Fidel Castro on the occasion of its 83rd birthday.

For her part, the president of the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples, Kenia Serrano, thanked the brigadistas for their demonstration of solidarity, and said that that feeling toward Cuba has increased all over the world, which is proved by the existence of some 2000 solidarity-with-Cuba organizations in 149 countries.



