Cuba Denounces US Cyberwar

In a television program to be broadcast Monday night, Cuba will expose U.S. plans of aggression using new information and communication technology.

Correa and Packed House Applaud Pablo Milanes in Quito

Fans of Pablo Milanes filled the Agora auditorium in Quito on Saturday night, and Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa sat in the front row to enjoy the concert by one of the Cuban founders of the Nueva Trova or New Song Movement.

Cuban Scientists Improving Quality of Rice Crops

More than 70 percent of rice crops in Cuba are planted with varieties obtained in the Rice Research Station of Los Palacios, in the westernly province of Pinar del Rio, where the scientific work focuses on genetic improvement.

Salvadorian People Urge USA to Free the Five

The solidarity of the Salvadorian people with the cause of the Five Cuban antiterrorists imprisoned in the United States since 12 years was shown by means of demonstrations in two cities of this country.


We see clearly that the basic concern of the United States and NATO is not Libya, but the revolutionary wave being unleashed in the Arab world, something they would like to prevent at any cost. It is an irrefutable fact that relations between the US and its NATO allies with Libya in recent years were excellent, before the rebellions loomed up in Egypt and Tunisia.

Cuba Solidarity Movement is Growing

Strengthening and increasing the international Cuba solidarity movement is one of the goals on the agenda of Cuban authorities and activists that promote friendship.

Machado Ventura ha ricevuto il primo Ministro di Timor-Leste

Il compagno José Ramón Machado Ventura, Primo Vicepresidente dei Consigli di Stato e dei Ministri, ha ricevuto nel pomeriggio di lunedì 28 febbraio, nel Palazzo della Rivoluzione, L’Onorevole Signor Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, Primeo Ministro e Ministro della Difesa e Sicurezza della Repubblica Democratica di Timor-Leste, che realizza una visita ufficiale nell’Isola.

"A Lot of Heart"

A special gift from the Cuban painter, graphic and ceramic artist José Fuster to Fidel.


A work inspired by Katiuska Blanco’s book “Todo el Tiempo de los Cedros”: Fidel Castro Ruz’s family landscape "Todo el Tiempo de los Cedros": Fidel Castro Ruz’s family landscape
