Cuban Parliament President Ends Visit to Ethiopia

Cuban Parliament President Esteban Lazo departed from Ethiopia today, after attending the celebration for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and reconfirming Cuba's solidarity with Africa.

Cuba Expands Internet Access with New Navigation Rooms

With the creation of 118 public internet access points throughout the country, Cuba is expanding its public internet access, in line with the strategy of making new technologies available for societal use, national media reported today.

Achievements in Cuban Food Security Highlighted

Cuba is an example in the achievement of food security for a population, and in the mobilization of support to eradicate hunger in other countries, says FAO representative to Havana Theodor Friedrich.

Show in Japan Honors Cuban Five Detained in USA

Cuban artists living in Japan opened an exhibition in this capital specifically devoted to the Cuban anti-terrorist fighters unjustly held in the United States, one of whom is already back in Cuba after completing his sentence.

Prime Minister of Saint Lucia With Busy Agenda in Cuba

The Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, Kenny Davis Anthony, will arrive on Monday to Cuba, where he will have a very busy agenda that includes dialogues with authorities and visits to places of scientific, medical and educational interest.
