It is obvious that each of you, from where you are sitting, is completely unable to see the vast size of the crowd which has gathered this afternoon. It is a true sea of humanity which stretches into the distance on both sides of the Civic Square.
Speeches and Statements
Speech made by Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at the UN Headquarters, US, on September 26, 1960
Although it is said I make long speeches, there is no reason for you to worry. I shall do my best to be brief and state what we see as our duty to say here. I shall also speak slowly to help the interpreters.
Queríamos decirles que nosotros no estábamos muy de acuerdo en que se movilizara el pueblo a nuestro regreso. Nos preocupa el hecho de que constantemente tenemos que estar saliendo, cuando no es el Presidente, es el Ministro de Estado o de Relaciones Exteriores, o el Primer Ministro u otros. Y tenemos que estar asistiendo a eventos de esta naturaleza, y no resulta lógico que cada vez que salgamos y regresemos,...
La contrarrevolución tiene, en primer término, a los centros de enseñanza, sobre todo, a los altos centros de enseñanza, y, en general, a todos los centros de enseñanza. Y va a esos centros a reclutar sus agentes entre los hijos de familias ricas, entre los hijos de las familias afectadas por las leyes revolucionarias. Y la contrarrevolución no va, precisamente, a la escuelita pública que el...
No place is more representative and symbolic for awaiting the start of the “Year of Education” than this camp, which has been transformed into the Ministry of Education, an educational campus (APPLAUSE) and the residence of many university students (APPLAUSE). It will also become a great center of educational research.
This is the second time we gather at this very corner. The first time was in the aftermath of that terrorist act that cost the lives of almost a hundred workers and soldiers.
After three sessions where this issue has been discussed, when many interesting things have been said; and knowing many of them have been discussed even though others have been left unanswered for the moment -- although it was materially impossible to addressed each and every one the matters brought to these meetings--- It is now our turn out of necessity, not as the person most qualified to speak about this matter, but considering this is...
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