“The history of international trade has shown that development is the most dynamic factor of world commerce. The greatest part of commerce in our day and age is carried out between fully industrialized countries. We can be certain that while industrialization and progress spreads more and more in the world, so too will trade exchanges grow and this is beneficial for everyone.”
“For super-developed societies, the problem is not growth but distribution, and not only distribution amongst themselves, but distribution among all of them. The sustainable growth we are talking about is impossible without a more just distribution among all countries.”
“Our revolutionary and truly socialist conception is perfectly compatible with the idea of foreign investment and the utmost possibilities, guarantees and security for those who invest in our country”.
“Our country does not practice chauvinism or commercialize sports, which are as sacred as the people’s education and health. What it practices, rather, is solidarity. Years ago, it created a Physical Education and Sports Trainers School, with capacity for more than 1,500 students from the Third World”.