
"As you know, Cuba is banned from participating in those so-called summit meetings. Actually, they can't imagine the great honor they're doing us, because that's where the demagogic masters go to set down the guidelines for the demagogic servants, or for those who, without being demagogues or servants or accepting guidelines, have no other choice but to bear the humiliation".

References to the original: Speech at the closing of the International Meeting Economia’98. International Conference Center, july 3, 1998

"We have closely followed the so-called Summit of the Americas summoned by the United States. I don't want to offend anyone—I repeat that I don't want to hurt anyone—but I observe the politicians in those summits, under the domineering presence and the pressure of the heads of the empire. In those hemispheric summits there are usually two types of meetings, some are public and others are private".

References to the original: Speech at the closing of the International Meeting Economia’98. International Conference Center, july 3, 1998

"What does "Summit of the Americas" mean to us? What is that? You should know a bit more about that than I do because, for some reason, perhaps because you are much better than all of us and holier than all of us and you have not come up from the very depths of hell, you know what the Summit of the Americas is and some of those things. We have practically forgotten all that".

References to the original: ADDRESS DELIVERED BY COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF FIDEL CASTRO RUZ, 17 april 1999

"Summits of the Americas, to which we are not invited because, apparently, we do not live on Earth".

References to the original: Speech representatives of Brazil’s National Students Union, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, july 1, 1999

"The OAS as the permanent secretary for the Summit of the Americas is dictating guidelines: it is the role assigned to it by Bush.  It contains 100 paragraphs; it seems that the institution likes round numbers to sweeten the pill and give more punch to the document; an epigraph for each one of the 100 best poems in the lovely language".

References to the original: WHY IS CUBA BEING EXCLUDED?, April 4, 2009

"Those summit meetings have a history which has certainly been rather dismal.  The first took place in Miami, capital of the counterrevolution, the blockade and the dirty war against Cuba.  That summit was held on the 10th and 11th of December in 1994.  It had been convened by Bill Clinton, elected president of the United States in November of 1992".

References to the original: WHY IS CUBA BEING EXCLUDED?, April 4, 2009

"Cuba does not applaud the ill-named Summits of the Americas, where our nations do not debate on equal footing. If they were of any use, it would be to make critical analyses of policies that divide our peoples, plunder our resources and hinder our development".

References to the original: Not a word about the blockade, April 13, 2009