“Revolution has awoken the moral feeling of the people; Revolution has awoken human solidarity in men and women of our people; Revolution has abolished selfishness and has made of generosity the main virtue of every citizen; Revolution has gathered the best of the nation; Revolution purified and cleaned up; Revolution has redeemed”.
“No people of Latin America is weak, because it is part of a family of 200 million brothers who suffer the same miseries, harbor the same feelings, have the same enemy, all dream of the same better destiny, and count on the solidarity of all the honest men and women of the whole world”.
“We shall strive against the adverse circumstances; we shall get over the present difficulties and proceed onward, and nothing will break the bonds of friendship and eternal gratitude linking us to the USSR.”
"Our country will pursue its internationalist policy without hesitation and in solidarity with the revolutionary movement worldwide (APPLAUSE); our country will deepen its revolutionary ideas and carry its banners as far as it is capable of taking them. Our country will also maintain its own hallmark which is the result of its experiences and its history; and in terms of ideology, we will maintain our own approach, with absolute independence, following on our own path set by our people based on our experiences and in accordance with our tasks."
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