“I believe this to be a turning point in our history: the tyranny has been overthrown. The rejoicing is immense. But there is still much to be done. We mustn't fool ourselves into believing that the future will be easy; everything may be more difficult in the future. Telling the truth is the first duty of all revolutionaries. Deceiving the people, raising false hopes, always brings the worst consequences, and I feel it's necessary to warn everyone against over-optimism.”
"We will know how to resist any aggression, but that we will know how to overcome any aggression, and that again we would have no other dilemma than that with which we began the revolutionary struggle: that of freedom or death".
“No revolutionary government that comes to power wants to have international conflicts. What it wants is devoting itself to the solution of its own problems; what it wants is implementing a platform, as do governments really interested in the progress of their countries”.
"Tenemos que revolucionar nuestros hábitos, tenemos que ser permanentemente revolucionarios y tenemos que ser revolucionarios dentro de la Revolución; tenemos que superarnos en todo constantemente."
“The revolutionary are neither pessimistic, nor skeptical. Skeptical has to be the reactionary and the imperialist, because they see that everything is changing against; and the revolutionary see that everything is changing in favor.”
“If at other times in our history Cuban revolutionaries had been discouraged by difficulties, there would not be today an independent country named Cuba”.
"No people become revolutionary by force. Those who sow ideas have no need to suppress the people ever. Weapons in the hands of that same people are used to fight those abroad who try to take away their achievements".
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