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“It is also said that the West has created a civilization inspired by Christian values. Indeed, this is said of the West that has been responsible for so many wars and so many tragedies for humanity, of so much misery and so much poverty in the world, of so many conquests and so many colonies, of so much under-development which today plagues the Earth.”
References to the original: Speech given at the funeral for the combatant Rolando Pérez Quintosa at the Colón Cemetery. February 17, 1992
“If our land did not have sufficient honor and glory, as it has conquered during such a long time, this honor and glory of having fought […] against that mighty empire would suffice, and the fact that our Revolution is still here and it will continue to be, upright and invincible.”
References to the original: Speech made at the closing session of the Communist Party Provincial Assembly in Havana City, November 23, 1996