
“And what does the Cuban Revolution teach? That revolution is possible, that the peoples can make it; that in the contemporary world there are no forces capable of preventing the liberation movement of the peoples.”.

References to the original: Remarks at the Second National Assembly of the People of Cuba held at the Revolution Square, February 4, 1962

“Cuba would not be where it is today, nor would our homeland occupy the place it does today in the minds of the other peoples of the world, if behind the homeland, if behind the sovereign flag of the homeland, if this people were not behind the Revolution, if this people were not behind the Revolution.”

References to the original: Remarks at the Second National Assembly of the People of Cuba held at the Revolution Square, February 4, 1962
[…]”We think of the revolution as something truly creative, as something which does not stop creating for a single minute, with a ceaseless surge of ideas, with a ceaseless improvement of ideas, every day, every month, every year, we do more and we do it better.”
References to the original: Speech given at the graduation of 300 Revolutionary Instructors at Schools for Household Servants,Chaplin Theatre, March 16, 1962
“[…]the struggle for peace also means the struggle for the independence of the peoples, it means the struggle for the freedom of the colonies, it means the struggle for the economic development of the poorest countries, it means the struggle to liberate the peoples from imperialist exploitation and domination.”
References to the original: Speech given at the ceremony at which he received the “Lenin” Peace Prize at the Chaplin Theatre, March 19, 1962
“What is the most important thing for a Revolution that hopes to radically change the life of a country and build a new society? It is the teacher, comrades; the teacher is the most important thing in a Revolution.”
References to the original: Speech delivered at the Sierra Maestra Teachers’ Vocational Center in Minas del Frío, June 17, 1962
"The Revolution has been a process which arose and grew fighting against the force of its enemies.  And the force of its enemies in arms, with all their military power, was infinitely greater than the force of the Revolution.   However, that was no obstacle: the Revolution carried on, and today it is what it is."
References to the original: Speech given at the reception for Dr. Osvaldo Dorticós Torrado, president of the Republic, on his return from the UN where he had participated in the XVII General Assembly of that organization.
“Such an extraordinarily beautiful revolution, like the social revolutions that brought the working class and peasants to power, and which began the road, the great and glorious road.  For that reason they will always be immortal, for that reason the youth must always look towards Marx, towards Engels, towards Lenin…” 
References to the original: Speech made at the Lomonosov University of Moscow where Fidel was awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa Title, May 21, 1963