
“Sometimes the ignorance in some far-off corner of the country is such that people don’t know that there is a social security service or that it is possible to receive the care needed; but, in fact, there is a team that finds these people, weighs them, measures their frame to check that they are of the right weight and size for their age group: these are the social workers.”.

References to the original: Speech given on the occasion of the sixth grade graduation ceremony of Primary Schools in Cárdenas, Matanzas, on 21 July 2005

"This Revolution, which is socialist, and which is guided by the principle of giving to each according to his work, has not forgotten and cannot forget, or it wouldn’t be the Revolution, nor would it deserve the name if it intended to provide for a handicapped person according to their work. No, that is why there are those who work and those who can work, to provide for those people who cannot. Everything has to be done for a child who isn’t even a month old; this child has to be given everything".

References to the original: Speech given in the Havana Convention Centre by the president of the Republic of Cuba, Fidel Castro Ruz, at the graduation ceremony for 9th grade pioneers from the José Martí Experimental Junior Secondary School. 23 July 2005

“Thus, a marvelous avenue is opening leading to the education of the youngest generations in the appreciation and sensitivity towards the arts while paving the way for the ambitious purpose of attaining a widespread comprehensive general culture for all of our people.”

References to the original: Address at the National Act of the Second Graduation Art Instructors, October 28, 2005

“A revolution is the triumph of virtue over vice, the triumph of honor over dishonor, the triumph of moral and patriotic integrity over mercenary impulses and vice”.

References to the original: Address at the National Act of the Second Graduation Art Instructors, October 28, 2005
"Cuba is today a source of inspiration and a beacon of hope for many. The revolution’s humanitarian goals and quest for justice are a point of reference for those who believe that a better world is possible and can replace the world of savagery, violence, egotism and squandering which the powerful have created".
References to the original: Address to the second national art instructors graduation ceremony held in Ciudad Deportiva on October 28, 2005

"In a spirit of confessions, I could say that when I finished studying in this university, I thought I was very revolutionary and basically, I was just starting on a much longer path.  If at that time I felt that I was a revolutionary or a socialist, if I had absorbed all the ideas that made me who I am, and I could be nothing other than a revolutionary. I assure you today, in all modesty, that I feel ten times, twenty times, even a hundred times more revolutionary than I was then. If at that time I was willing to give up my life, today I am a thousand times more willing to give up my life for the revolution."

References to the original: Speech delivered at the Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of his admission to University of Havana, in the Aula Magna, November 17, 2005

"We have to be resolute: either we defeat these deviations and strengthen the Revolution by destroying any of the illusions that the empire may have, or we can rather say:  either we radically defeat these problems or we die.  We must repeat the motto: Patria o Muerte! (Homeland or Death!)  This is all very serious and we must use all necessary forces".

References to the original: Speech delivered by Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, at the Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of his admission to University of Havana, in the Aula Magna of the University of Havana,