
"Tourism has created a demand that has contributed to the revitalization of other sectors of the country’s economy. The policy implemented has been aimed at supporting national production intended to meet the requirements of tourism, while observing their competitiveness, stability and quality".

References to the original: Key address at the Inauguration of Playa Pesquero Five-Star Hotel and Holguin tourism resort

“For the first time in human history, our species is facing a real threat of extinction. It is endangered not only by the destruction of its natural habitat, but also by grave political threats, increasingly sophisticated weapons of mass destruction and extermination, and extremist doctrines backed by lethal and annihilating force.”

References to the original: Speech at the closing session of the 5th Meeting Globalization and Development held in Havana, February 14, 2003

“Politics, I would say, is a combination of both science and art, although it is more art than science. We cannot forget that in both cases, responsibility lies with human beings, and they are as varied and variable as the particles contained in their genetic makeup”.

References to the original: Speech made by Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, at the closing session of the 5th Meeting on Globalization and Development held in Havana, Cuba, on February 14, 2003

“The battle is now harder and more difficult. An hegemonic empire in a globalised world, the only superpower which remains after the cold war and the prolonged conflict between two radically different political, economic and social ideas, raises an enormous obstacle to the only thing that can today save not only humankind’s most basic human rights, but even its very survival”.

References to the original: Remarks at a ceremony to present the Order of "Carlos Manuel de Cespedes" to the President of Venezuela, December 14, 2004

“They will exist as long as our species does. Never before has the latter faced as serious a threat, owing to the combination of society's political underdevelopment and the fruits of technology, which appears limitless and whose capacity for self-destruction is beyond reason. Genocidal wars, climate change, hunger, thirst, inequality are everywhere we look.”

References to the original: Response to the Message from the Young Communists League

“The adversary to be defeated is extremely strong; however, we have been able to keep it at bay for half a century”.

References to the original: From the Commander in Chief, February18, 2008

“In the great US democracy, half of those eligible to vote are not registered, and half of those who are registered does not vote. Thus, the rulers are elected by only 25% of the electorate”.

References to the original: Reflexion: "IT’S AMAZING", October 15, 2008